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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  March 1, 2016 11:37pm-12:37am CST

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[ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jennifer lopez, from "rosewood," actor morris chestnut, tony and academy award-winning actor, author joel grey, featuring the 8g band with patrick carney. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers! >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] that is wonderful to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. the 12 states, the super tuesday primary was today and over 22 million people in the midwest were subjected to thunderstorms and hail as they tried to head to the polls. "i'm doing everything i can," said god. [ laughter ]
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the 14th and final batch of over 52,000 e-mails on hillary clinton's private server was released yesterday, and it was probably all worth it to her just to see this. "oh, so nice. [ laughter ] oh, getting that zero is so nice." donald trump said in a new interview that there's nobody that's done so much for equality as he has. well, he does appear to be doing everything in his power to make sure america has its first female president. [ laughter ] so, he has a bit of a point. [ cheers and applause ] a new report has found that super pacs supporting marco rubio and ted cruz have spent over $7 million on ads trying to bring down donald trump, when they could have just spent $500 on a wind machine. [ laughter ] i'm never not gonna want to show
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i'm sorry. [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] a vermont college has banned the energy drinks red bull and 5-hour energy from campus for their alleged link to high-risk sexual activity. although, if you have the energy for five hours, your highest risk is probably from chafing. [ laughter ] a catholic priest in ireland has resigned after a video surfaced of him snorting cocaine in a room decorated with nazi memorabilia. [ laughter ] it's what catholic officials are calling "still not the worst case scenario. [ laughter ] that's actually okay." [ applause ] that's right, a catholic priest in ireland has resigned after a video surfaced of him snorting cocaine in a room decorated with nazi memorabilia. he was also the first priest to ever tell someone at confession, "ah, i think i got you beat. [ laughter ] that's bad, but not nazi cocaine bad."
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today is world compliment day. said kanye west, "kim, you're a very lucky woman." [ laughter ] today is world compliment day. to celebrate, here's a montage of donald trump complimenting his favorite people. >> people love me. and you know what? i've been very successful. everybody loves me. we're getting record-setting numbers. i think i have something to do with that. i went to an ivy league school. i'm very highly educated. i'm the worst thing that's ever happened to isis. i have had tremendous success. i'm really rich. [ laughter ] >> seth: he's very good at it. he's very good at it. [ applause ] he's like santa claus of world compliment day. fashion experts are reporting there is a new trend of attaching mini pom-poms to models' fingernails. it's the perfect accessory to say, "i'm difficult." [ laughter ] a new study has found that tall men in good shape tend to make more money than their co-workers.
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men, shelves. [ laughter ] and finally, nasa is currently recruiting people for their rest studies program in which participants will be paid $18,000 to spend 70 days in bed and smoke different types of marijuana. but so far, they've only had 1 billion applicants. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] from nbc's "shades of blue," jennifer lopez is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] so happy she's back. from "rosewood" on fox, morris chestnut joins us this evening. [ cheers and applause ] a fantastic actor. and he is the author of a new memoir, "master of ceremonies," author joel grey is joining us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] author, and need i say, legend. now, before we get to all of
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trivia contest, each question has a correct answer. but here at "late night," we believe that there isn't just one answer to every question. there are other ones that maybe aren't right but aren't exactly wrong, either. and to prove it, it's time for "we also would have accepted." [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: this is where we ask a question, give the correct answer, and then reveal any other answers we also would have accepted. first up, here's an interesting question -- according to a report in the "washington post," what has officially gone out of style? the correct answer is, "skinny jeans." we also would have accepted "the bush family." [ light laughter ] "the bush family" -- also would have been accepted for the question, "what has officially gone out of style?" and now we put this card over here, so we don't accidentally read it again. [ laughter ]
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[ laughter ] next up, in science news -- a team of physicists recently claimed that by using super sensitive equipment, they have managed to capture the sound of what? the correct answer is, "two black holes colliding." we also would have accepted, "dr. ben carson's speaking voice." [ laughter and applause ] try to teach him a lesson on how jokes work. speaking of the presidential election -- a video from 1963 of bernie sanders surfaced recently, showing the presidential candidate doing what? the correct answer is, "being arrested at a civil rights rally." we also would have accepted, "sending his eggs back at a diner." [ laughter ] "sending his eggs back at a diner."
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about donald trump. recently, the pope suggested that donald trump was not christian because of what? the correct answer is, "what he said about building a wall on the mexican border." we also would have accepted, "what he said about muslims, and women, and rosie o'donnell." [ laughter and applause ] any of those. any of those we would have accepted. mattel -- we're all familiar with mattel. the toy company, mattel. we all know mattel. [ light laughter ] mattel has come out with a new product that will allow kids to make their own toys using a what? the correct answer is, "3d printer." we also would have accepted, "loophole in child labor laws." [ laughter ] because if the kids make their own toys, it is not illegal. thanks to a loophole in child labor laws. [ laughter ] here's a real puzzler! is what the script tells me. due to a risk of explosion, what did the nypd recently advise
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the correct answer is, "a cell phone." we also would have accepted, "their downstairs neighbor." [ laughter ] i can't emphasize enough how explosive it could be if you sleep with your downstairs neighbor and then change your mind about them, 'cause they still live downstairs. [ laughter ] finally, you guys, travel news, everyone's favorite kind of news. that's why it has its own section in the newspaper. according to a new report, what could cause transatlantic flights to take longer? the correct answer -- "climate change." we also would have accepted "sitting next to a mouth breather." [ laughter ] this has been "we also would have accepted." [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with more "late night."
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the microsoft cloud allows us to access information from anywhere. the microsoft cloud allows us to scale up. microsoft cloud changes our world dramatically. it wasn't too long ago it would take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome. now, we can do a hundred per day. with the microsoft cloud we don't have to build server rooms. we have instant scale. the microsoft cloud is helping us to re-build and re-interpret our business. this cloud helps transform business. this is the microsoft cloud. don't use windex to make windows spotless and clear! go see my big fat greek wedding 2 and learn how to use windex the right way on weird stuff! not on windows! who's got tickets? i do!
11:47 pm
(avo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not toyota. not ford or any other brand.
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new schick hydro versus the lube strip. with a hydrating gel reservoir that gives you 40% less friction. it's designed like no other razor to protect from irritation. sorry, lube strip. schick hydro . free your skin . i think we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back to "late night," everybody. please, give it up for the 8g band right over there! [ cheers and applause ] also, he's back with us tonight and all week long, the drummer for the black keys, patrick carney is here. thank you so much -- >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: -- for being with us this week, patrick. now, as you know, 2016 presidential debate season -- full swing, super tuesday today. and if you're like me, the only
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debates so far is that there haven't been nearly enough of them. so -- [ laughter ] so, excited to announce this. we're going to host another one right now. and to make things more exciting, we've invited the candidates from both parties. they're all here and ready to go. so, without further ado, here is the "late night demopublocratic presidential debate." [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome to the "late night demopublocratic presidential debate." i'm your moderator, seth meyers. [ clears throat ] excuse me. let's get started. mr. trump, the first question is for you. you're coming off of your third straight primary victory and polls show you're going to have a big night tonight. what do you think this means for the future of our country? >> it is going to be a disaster. >> seth: thank you. [ laughter ] senator sanders, how do you think donald trump's parents would have described his
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>> their kid's intellectual development may have been impacted. [ laughter ] >> seth: makes sense. senator rubio, john kasich refuses to drop out of the race. what do you think his game plan is? >> to continue to try something that has no chance of happening. [ light laughter ] >> seth: dr. carson, if you were elected, what would your secret service code name be? >> fruit salad. [ laughter ] >> seth: that's a good one. that's a super good one. [ cheers and applause ] fruit salad? senator clinton, what are the two most important things you expect to learn from a drake song? >> where do we start from and where do we end up? [ laughter ] >> seth: the bottom, to here. [ applause ] senator cruz, if you are elected president, will you bring sexy back? >> i would not bring it back in any sort of widespread use. >> seth: we appreciate that. [ laughter and applause ] the american people appreciate that. mr. trump, you look kind of tired.
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night? >> i hit it very hard. [ laughter ] >> seth: well, thank you for being honest. senator rubio, i know you're married, but if you weren't, what would be your favorite place to use tinder? >> in florida, where there are a lot of people like my mother. [ light laughter ] >> seth: okay. to each their own. senator sanders, i'm casting a rat pack movie. i'll let you be it, if you want. you can be dean martin. >> but let me be frank. >> seth: all right, fine. fine. [ laughter ] you can be frank sinatra. governor kasich, do you think you could be dean martin? >> i do this all the time! >> seth: all right, great. so, governor kasich, in your best dean martin voice, tell us what you think of the group of candidates on this stage tonight? >> it looks like the board of directors of a massage parlor. >> seth: whoa! [ laughter and applause ] that was very good! >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> seth: senator rubio, if i
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am i going to see? >> you will see stars of davids and crosses, but you will also see crescent moons. [ laughter ] >> seth: you might be eating an off-brand lucky charms. [ laughter ] mr. trump, where is your favorite place to have your birthday parties? >> medieval times. [ laughter ] >> seth: senator cruz, mr. trump, and senator rubio, for 20 seconds, i would like you to behave like petulant children arguing at a playground, starting now. >> donald claims to care -- >> you know why -- [ talking over each other ] >> i understand rules are very hard for you -- >> i have his book -- >> on your reality tv show -- [ talking over each other ] >> thank you for the book. thank you for the book. >> go ahead. >> donald, you can get back -- >> it's a lot of fun up here tonight. i have to tell you. [ laughter ] >> seth: that was great, you guys. very well done. [ cheers and applause ] very well done. dr. carson, the next question's for you. what's your favorite part of
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>> bodily fluids, like saliva and urine. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] >> seth: okay. mr. trump, why are you the way that you are? what's your secret? >> it's the tremendous amount of drugs. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, we got this. senator rubio, i heard you and donald t tmp got kicked out of a strip club last night. what happened? >> donald touched on one of them. [ laughter ] >> seth: oh, yeah, you can't -- you can't touch on any of them. [ light laughter ] it's, like, one of the first rules. mr. trump, how do you warm up the crowd at your rallies? >> we have people chopping the heads off many other people. >> seth: where did you get that idea? [ light laughter ] >> medieval times. >> seth: okay, yeah, that makes sense. [ laughter and applause ] all right, we're all out of time. on behalf of the candidates, have a good night. we'll be right back with jennifer lopez.
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she is a youtube sensation, superwoman! a super woman. superw unicorn island is that state i reach when i decide, everything's going to be okay, and i'm happy. unicorn! i'm going to take you all,
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folks, you can't make this stuff up. four bandits chose a prius as their getaway car. bravo-niner, in pursuit of a toyota prius. over. how hard is it to catch a prius? over. this thing is actually pretty fast. over. very funny. oh look, a farmer's market. we should get some flowers for the car. yeah! holly!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our first guest tonight is a singer, actress -- let's be honest.
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you can see her starring as detective harlee santos on the hit police drama "shades of blue," which airs thursday nights at 10:00 right here on nbc. let's take a look. >> you use force. in a mole hunt. you let me sweat it out on loman's shooting knowing that we were covered? >> i told you we were covered, harley. i told you. >> you trust him more than me? >> it's complicated. >> wrong answer. if you're going to bring -- into our circle, then you better damn well trust him more than anyone. >> he brought us in. he delivered $50,000 just for listening. we're not committed until i know the details. >> yeah, and how do you like him so far? >> seth: please welcome back to the show, the always lovely jennifer lopez.
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thank you for wiping it off. >> i know! i saw it there. >> seth: you saw a little lipstick, and you got it off. because i don't want to go home and explain that to the missus. >> no, no, and i don't want to be in that convo. [ laughter ] >> seth: how are you? so lovely to see you as always. >> you too, how have you been? >> seth: i've been really good. and congrats on the show. this is a very fun part for you, i would imagine. you get to play a corrupt cop -- >> i do. >> seth: -- who's now working against her cop friends because -- >> i know. >> seth: -- because you got caught by the fbi. >> yeah, it's complicated, and she's a great character. you know, when i first got this project, i was just -- to produce it, and then, i just kind of -- in my mind, kept playing the lead character. you know? [ laughter ] i was like, "you know what? this could actually be a good thing." >> seth: did you get to the point where you auditioned other people and brought them in and said, "now, do it like me"? [ laughter ] >> no, but once i decided to do it, i auditioned with all of the main characters, almost. >> seth: and you got fantastic actors, ray liotta. >> so good. >> yes. well. >> ray is amazing on the show, drea, warren kole.
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>> seth: ray is fantastic, and ray is perfect to play a cop who's a little dirty. >> right. >> seth: because he -- i believe ray is both a good person, and then he is very good at playing somebody who's got, like, that -- >> he understands family. >> seth: yeah, very good on family. >> okay? and he is, you know, intense. he's tough, he's complicated. but that's the thing about the whole show, is that it's about cops, but it's not really. it'seally about human nature and how, you know, we can find ourselves with the best of intentions, and then find ourselves in the worst of situations. >> seth: you're very good -- your gun works very good. i believe you know what you're doing. >> yes. >> seth: sometimes you watch cop shows, and you think that person doesn't -- >> oh, no, no, no. you know what? that's the thing. i would think on all cops -- on ours, everybody's always like, "am i holding the gun right? do i look stupid? are cops going to think i'm an idiot?" [ laughter ] it's always about, like, are we going through the door the right way? you know, those little details are what makes it. >> seth: well, you're getting it right. i want to ask about -- because again, you are so busy, and i'm so impressed at the level you do
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last season. >> yes, last season. >> seth: is it a little more emotional because it's the last season? >> it is. it is for me. but you guys know, i cry for everything. [ laughter ] i, you know -- it's just -- it's been such an amazing show. i've watched it since the first season. and now to think that it's going to be gone is hard, you know? it's just brought us so many great moments. >> seth: it really has, and i think you had one of the all-time great moments this last week with kelly clarkson. >> oh, my god, yes. >> seth: now, i also am a crier, but that really got me. >> no, it was. >> seth: so, she came out. she sang a song she wrote about her dad called, "piece by piece." >> right. >> seth: she had trouble getting through it. you guys were a mess, the judges. >> we were a mess. how about -- i didn't even notice -- like, i was so into her performance and watching her and feeling so much for her, i didn't even realize keith urban was falling apart next to me. [ laughter ] >> seth: falling apart, yeah. >> i watched it back later at home. i was like, "let me see how the show looked tonight." and i go, "oh, my god, i'm an
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>> seth: i hope afterwards, you all said -- >> i didn't even go like this. not one time did i look at him and notice he was sosoing. [ laughter ] the grown man next to me was sobbing. i had no idea. >> seth: i should clarify, i'm somewhere between where you were and keith. >> right. >> seth: i didn't go full urban on it. [ laughter ] like, i kept it together a little bit. >> right, right, right. and i was kind of just like, "oh, my god." i could still feel it was about her husband, her dad, her unborn child, her child that she already has. >> seth: yes. >> it was a great song. >> seth: and obviously, kelly's both pop and country, but i will say there is that wonderful thing of, like, country backgrounds if you never have to think about what the song's about. it just tells you a story very much. >> it's very on note. >> seth: you're like, "what's this about?" you're like, "oh, no! this is like reading a diary." >> yeah, it's simple. [ laughter ] yeah, it's simple in the best way. >> seth: it really is. and she -- i have so much love for kelly, although i did -- because i had the worst situation watching it, because my wife walked in. and so, i'm, like, crying, and
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"kelly, it's a song about -- and it's not just me, it's jennifer!" >> "it's everybody!" >> seth: "and you should see keith urban." [ laughter ] >> urban's a mess! yeah, yeah. >> seth: and now, you also have a vegas show. >> i do. >> seth: so, how often are you doing the vegas show? >> i'm doing the show -- i do 40 shows a year for the next few years, three years. and we just started. we opened in january. it went amazingly well. >> seth: and what made you decide to do it? had you done a show in vegas and realized, "this is the way to do it?" >> no, no, i actually did do -- last new year's, they asked me to come and do a show there. but no, i think when i went on tour, the same people who kind of had took me on tour knew about the rooms in vegas, and they were like, "you need to do a show in vegas." and kind of planted the seed. and so then when they came to me, i was like, "wow," you know. i thought, "wow, frank sinatra, elvis presley, all these people." it was, like, an iconic place to go and do a show and create something really special. >> seth: also, the scale of it, i imagine -- because unlike touring, where you don't have to
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everything in one place. >> right. >> seth: it must be nice to do a show, exactly the show you want to do it. >> that's why, you know, creating it was so much fun. >> seth: i heard you refer -- that you wanted it to be, like, a bronx block party. [ laughter ] >> seth: okay, now i -- i'm >> right. >> seth: don't know what a bronx >> well, just the energy of >> seth: okay, good, because is this appropriate for a bronx block party? [ laughter ] >> it's close. >> seth: okay. that's what it would be like. >> seth: well, now, but not back then. is this bronx block party? >> yes. [ cheers ] ish! ish! >> seth: this, to me, i bet right now, you could go to a bronx block party and see like -- [ cheers ] seven girls dressed like that. >> by the way, those are guys. >> seth: yeah. >> yeah. okay, and me. i'm a girl. >> seth: okay. >> you said, "seven girls." i was like -- >> seth: no, no, i'm saying, like, right now at a bronx block party, i feel like there are seven girls dressed like you. >> oh, okay. >> seth: i know those are guys. there's, like, mustaches and beards. [ laughter ] it's really good. but, so, tell me, like, how many costume changes do you do? >> we do a lot. there's, like, seven sections, and so there's a change for each
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and then within the sections, we, you know, we change. we take off a jacket, we add, you know, a robe, you know, different things happen. >> seth: any near wardrobe malfunctions or anything close? >> well, i heard i had one, but i didn't know i had one. >> seth: oh, no. that's the worst kind. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i know. it was in the last number, thank god, and i guess i had like a rip, like, right here. but i never knew it, and i heard about it days later. then i was like, "who cares?" >> seth: yeah, that's in the past. i guess that is better. >> i didn't even know. >> seth: yeah. >> it couldn't have been that bad. >> seth: yeah, exactly. if it was out the whole time, people would have been like, "that is not good." >> yeah, it was not out. >> seth: it was not out. good. good, or depending what row you were in, bad. >> exactly. >> seth: so, i've heard -- obviously, you're spending some time in vegas. i've heard your mother is a gambler. is this true? >> yes. >> seth: she likes to gamble? has she now taken your vegas residency as an opportunity to do some of this? >> you know, when she found out i was gonna be doing a vegas residency, she was quite excited. >> seth: yeah.
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she was like, "oh, i'll come and see you!" i said, "i know you will." [ laughter ] no, but she loves to come to my shows anyway. i don't know if any of you guys saw on kathie lee and hoda, when she came to my show -- hoda came to the show on the opening night, and my mom was there. and there was a lot of celebrities who came to the show opening night, and bieber was there. and we put hoda right next to bieber. she saw my mom, and she went and hung out with my mom. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, exactly. >> she was like, "leave bieber. going to hang out with jennifer's mom." she's having a ball! [ laughter ] >> seth: there you go. >> my mom was dancing and looking -- >> seth: oh, that's great. >> i mean, she was being lupe. >> seth: now, you -- >> that's her name, lupe. [ laughter ] >> seth: good, you clarified. >> "she was being lupe." "what does that mean?" [ laughter ] >> seth: that is a name, not an adjective. you have kids of your own -- twins who just turned eight. >> lupe. what could it have meant? >> seth: she was being loopy. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> seth: you have two eight-year-olds. >> i do. they just turned eight. >> seth: what do you do for an eight-year-old twins' birthday?
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they just turned eight. we went to disney. it was at their request. it was a tough birthday for me because it was the first birthday where i realized, like, they're really getting -- they're not babies anymore. >> seth: got it, okay. >> you know what i mean? that happened at eight for me. you would think it would be at, like, at five. you're like, "oh, they're not babies anymore." or six or seven. >> seth: they maintain baby until eight for you. >> night before eight -- the night before they turned eight, i'm like -- >> seth: and did you manage to -- >> kelly clarkson. >> seth: did you keep it together until their birthday? >> urbaning. >> seth: because no eight-year-old wants to watch their mom crying through their birthday. >> no, no, no. i did it by myself. you know, you wait until they go to bed. you know how that is. >> seth: they think their mom's gonna in the other room, and if they see her crying, it's from tv. [ laughter ] >> yes, it's sad. >> seth: now, do they know yet? do they have any sense of your celebrity? is that something that's, like -- as eight-year-olds? >> yeah, they know, and they've heard from school now, because kids will say things at school, like, "your mom's famous."
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you, is your big fan," you know, things like that. >> seth: so, they have to come home constantly, be like, "i think there's multiple stalkers at my school." >> right, right. but you know, they know their dad sings. they've seen us perform, you know. >> seth: right. they just don't other people do. >> they've seen me on tv, like on "idol" now. i don't think they even ever noticed before this year. i've done it five years. >> seth: are they impressed, or are they just like, "eh." >> they don't care. >> seth: yeah, that's good. [ laughter ] that's the best, though, i guess not caring. >> they don't care at all. i'm like, "mommy needs to work." they're like, "why?" i'm like, "so we can eat and stuff," you know. [ laughter ] >> seth: "that's why mommy has seven jobs." >> "mommy's all alone and she needs to work, yeah." >> seth: well, thank you so much for coming back. it's always a delight to see you. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: congratulations. jennifer lopez, everybody! "shades of blue" airs thursday nights at 10:00 on nbc. we'll be right back with morris chestnut. dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that's where your friends are.
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you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' this about a boy? dad! stop, please. oh, there's tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. available on the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen. (phone vibrates) yeah. you gotta come spring me. you and i were rapscallions alexa, what's in the news? here's the news. alec baldwin and jason schwartzman were seen mooning paparazzi. baldwin threw a shoe at photographers...
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get 30% off every guest every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer won't last long come seek the royal caribbean book today at 1-800-royalcaribbean. so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage,
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life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back to "late night," everybody! our next guest is a talented actor you know from films like "boyz n the hood" and "the best man." he's currently starring in the medical procedural "rosewood," which airs wednesday nights on fox. let's take a look. >> straight to the silicone in the message. >> is silicone going to help us catch this guy? because if not, we still have a serial killer out there on the streets. >> the killer used a silicone mold to make the fingerprints. with the index finger we have the pronounced radial looping. we have the scar. >> rosie, we're running the prints. >> you don't need to run them. these prints are mine. >> you don't know that. >> when i was 10 years old, i grabbed my father's scalpel by the wrong end, it left a scar. these are my prints. >> so, the killer went from exposing hypocrisy to stalking you? if the killer is fixated on rosie, i don't think it's the
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the chief. take a good, long look at my ass. it's about to get chewed off. >> seth: please welcome to the show morris chestnut. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome! >> thank you for having me. >> seth: so happy you're here. >> i'm glad to be here. >> seth: you look like a million bucks. >> thank you, so do you. >> seth: thank you so much. >> i gotta get one of these, man. >> seth: yeah, please, you can take this one. it won't fit, but you can take it. now, you -- i want to talk about this. "rosewood," new show this year. >> yes. >> seth: and our band leader, fred armisen, when he's here, will recap episodes of television shows for us. >> oh. >> seth: now, "rosewood" hadn't been on long -- >> okay. >> seth: -- when i asked fred to tell me about an episode of "rosewood." so i want to show it and you tell me how close we came. >> okay, cool. let's do it. >> seth: here's fred. >> i like when people talk about our show. [ laughter ] >> fred: and they live near this island called rosewood. the factory owner comes back and they're like -- and the wife who works there, she's like, "congratulations."
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she's like, "oh, i didn't know it was you, i don't have my glasses." [ laughter ] so he was like, "who were you going to congratulate?" and she was like, "oh, no, nothing, i don't want to talk about it. it's like -- it's kind of a surprise and it's no one you know, but one of our employees, i'm congratulating him for something." and he's like, "what?" and she's like, "why are you yelling?" [ laughter ] and so, they have this quiet fight for, like, the whole half hour. >> seth: that does not seem right at all. >> um -- that's not quite accurate, no. [ laughter ] >> seth: because based on the clip, this seems to be a medical drama, yes? >> yes, it's a medical drama. it's basically about a private pathologist who teams up with a hot, sexy detective to solve crimes in miami. >> seth: got you. so, you're the pathologist. you're not the hot, sexy -- >> no, i'm not the hot, sexy detective. that was jaina lee ortiz. >> seth: it would have been a lot worse if you said a detective teams up with a hot, sexy pathologist. [ laughter ] >> you never know. but that review, that critique,
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right. >> seth: no, no. that was not fred's best. now, you deal with not actual dead bodies, but there are cadavers on the show. >> right, right. >> seth: now, on shows like this, are you using actors as your dead people? >> okay, so, here's the thing. so, if the episode starts off and the character's already dead, then we just use a fake body. >> seth: got it. >> what happens is, some actors start off playing the people who are going to die, and then once they die, then we use the actual bodies on my slab. >> seth: right, they've got to play it unless there's a dummy that looks just like them. >> exactly. and so, what happens is, you know, they're laying on that slab for, i mean, sometimes like six hours at a time. so, sometimes we're in the middle of the scene, we can hear the stomach growling, they start snoring. one time we were working on the body, and -- we had been doing this scene for a long time. it was take after take after take. and i think the guy actually fell asleep, but he wasn't snoring, and all of a sudden, he woke up in the middle of the scene. [ laughter ] i knew he was real and i knew it
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i was like, "whoa!" i was in character. i was in character. >> seth: yeah. that would make for a very special episode of "rosewood," where the guy just comes back to life. [ laughter ] >> comes back to life, exactly. >> seth: well, you mentioned you were in "boyz n the hood." >> yes. >> seth: a long time -- was that your first film? >> that was my first movie, yeah. >> seth: now, that must have been intimidating for a first film to be -- i mean, i guess a lot of people in it, it was their first. >> well this actually -- no, it was a lot of people's first, but it really wasn't intimidating at the time, because whenever i went to the audition, john singleton was my age. so, i wasn't reading for a director, like, a spielberg or someone who was much older. it was john singleton. he was my age. then on the project, it was cuba's -- it was one of his first movies. he had been working in hollywood, but he had -- you know, no one really knew who he was. and fishburne was like "pee wee's play house," but angela bassett, all those people, they really weren't who they are today. >> seth: yes. >> so it really wasn't that intimidating. i was just always bugging cuba. 'cause he had the experience. i was always bugging him, asking him questions about the industry. and he'd walk out the trailer, i'd walk out the trailer, he'd walk back in the trailer 'cause he saw me, it'd be funny. [ laughter ] >> seth: you asked that many
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>> i was always asking him questions, because i was really green and he had worked quite a bit in television. and i was always asking him questions. away. [ laughter ] >> seth: did you have any sense while you were making it -- i mean, i guess, you know, being your first film, anyone's first film, you would think this is going to be a big deal. did you have any sense of how long the film would endure? >> no, i had no idea, and i didn't think it was going to be a big film because i was in it, and nobody knew me. you know, it's one of those things, i'm just starting out and i'm in a movie, i'm just happy to be on set. gettin' sweets and all that type of stuff. i'm just happy to be there. >> seth: now, is it a movie that you can -- if it's on tv now, will you watch it? have you watched it -- >> actually, i hadn't seen it in years and it was on in my hotel room about a month ago. and i was flipping channels, it was on, so i thought, "oh, let me watch it," and i was just cringing. i was like -- i was such a bad actor back then. [ laughter ] it was really hard to watch, but i appreciate everybody else's performance. i appreciated cuba -- >> seth: also, '91, not the best style clothes-wise.
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>> not the best style clothes-wise and the part of me getting shot, that was kind of tough to deal with. >> seth: yeah. >> seth: now that was ice cube's first movie as well, yeah? >> it was ice cube's first movie, yeah. but i was a huge n.w.a. fan at the time. >> seth: i mean, you must have been surprised -- certainly, his career after, but at the time what a good actor he was. >> oh, yeah. no, it was great. and i was just starting out, so i really couldn't critique anybody. i was just happy to be there, but he did a great job. and i have to say this, when i do watch the film it does take me back to moments and everything that we had. and we all had such a great time. >> seth: well, you're incredibly lucky, because a lot of people's first thing is something that nobody wants -- you never want anybody else to see ever again. >> that's true. >> seth: and it's nice to have started in a classic. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> seth: and thank you so much for being here. such an honor. >> thank you for having me, i appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: morris chestnut everybody! "rosewood" airs wednesday nights on fox! we'll be right back with joel grey. [ cheers and applause ] trolling for a gig with braindrone? can't blame you.
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which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. no, i'm actually over at the ge booth. we're creating the operating system for industry. it's called predix. it's gonna change the way the world works. ok, i'm telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. look out!! ohhhhhhhhhh... you know what, i'm just gonna email it to you. yeah that's probably safer. ok, cool. when we're walking, rolling and rocking it feels so sweet when we rock that beat! feels like i'm dreaming, but i'm not sleeping here we go! when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer!
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buying a house is no easy task. coming up wednesday morning on news 4 today.... why millennials are finally taking the big step and becoming homeowners. and one man suffered a stroke at a young age due to stress. what he's doing to warn others before it happens to
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back to "late night," everybody. our next guest won an academy award and a tony for his portrayal of the emcee in the stage and screen versions of "cabaret." his memoir, "master of ceremonies," is available in bookstores now. please welcome to the show, joel grey. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: hello! how are you? >> so good! >> seth: i'm so happy you're here. now, i don't want to, uh -- i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. you are a broadway legend. i hope you know that. [ giggles ] no, don't let it go to your head. so, you're a broadway -- and leslie odom, jr., who plays aaron burr in "hamilton," a show that is impossible to get
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were doing it at the public, sold out shows, impossible to get tickets, you walked up to the ticket counter, said your name is joel grey, and they just handed you a ticket, and you went in. and he believes you could walk into any theater in new york and just get a ticket to a show. true or false? >> true. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: fantastic. what a life. what a life. >> and i'm a big liar. [ laughter ] >> seth: are you a big liar? but is it true? did you get a ticket to -- >> that, i did. >> seth: okay. >> but i worked down there, at the public theater, on a few shows. but i just -- i was ready to pay. and i just said, "hi, do you have a ticket for joel grey?" and they handed it to me, and i left. [ laughter ] >> seth: i think that's such a power move by you, because what box office person on broadway wants to say to joel grey, "i'm looking, i don't see it?" >> well, they'd been lined up outside my apartment. >> seth: okay, got you. oh, now people wants you to go get them tickets to "hamilton"? >> i'm in a new business, yes. [ laughter ] >> seth: there you go, yes. you're like an uber for
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[ laughter ] >> yeah. >> seth: now, i want to talk -- we mentioned you won an oscar. you won an academy award. the oscars just happened. and the year you won for "cabaret," al pacino for "the godfather" was in your category. when you left that night, what were your expectations of your chances? >> none. >> seth: really? did you go so far -- did you write a speech? did you do any of that? >> none. >> seth: really? >> did nothing. >> seth: and what was that moment when you heard your name? did you -- >> well, diana ross was presenting, and she said, "and the oscar goes to -- [ light laughter ] -- joel grey." [ laughter ] and i thought i was going to lose my mind. >> seth: yes. >> so, instead, i kissed my wife. >> seth: that's a good idea. >> and jumped up on the stage. and didn't know what i was saying, but i was -- i was a happy man. >> seth: that's great. congratulations. and this is also, of course, a part you'd already played and
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and you did, obviously, a lot of singing in the film, but you did not start your career thinking you'd do singing. is that correct? >> no, i was like jacob tremblay. >> seth: oh, really? so, that was your beginning. >> no, i was the same as him, nine years old. >> seth: really? >> yeah. that's when you got -- you were nine when you started? >> and i put my hands in my pockets like he did. >> seth: that's, like, the nine-year-old power move. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: and so when did the singing start? did you start doing nightclub stuff? >> no, i was -- i left cleveland, where i was an actor. >> seth: okay. >> and thinking that that was my only wish and prayer in my life was to be in the theater. and i moved to los angeles, and there was no theater there. >> seth: so, you should have checked before you went. [ laughter ] >> well, my father -- my father, mickey katz, got a job with spike jonez and the city slickers. >> seth: oh, fantastic. >> yeah, he was the one that went -- [ funny noises ]
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[ laughter ] >> well, that's my father. >> seth: your father is the one who did that on spike jonze? oh, i didn't realize that. that's fantastic. >> yeah, it went -- [ funny noises ] [ laughter ] >> seth: that's an interesting skill to find out you have. [ laughter ] now, you did -- so, you do the film of "cabaret." you originate the role of the emcee on broadway. now it's a film. bob fosse's directing it. he's known as an exacting director. you have history. you've already played the part. you obviously have some understanding of how to play it. did you guys butt heads when you actually started working on the film? >> well, we didn't butt heads. we didn't even butt or head. [ laughter ] we did nothing. he refused to see me for the role. >> seth: really? oh, he was just going to cast an actor from -- in the business? >> he wanted to create a star, himself. >> seth: wow, so, how did it end up going to you? >> well, the producers were sort of on my side. >> seth: mm-hmm. >> and there was a meeting six weeks before they went to
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and bob fosse walked in and said, "well, this is the moment of truth, guys. it's either joel grey or me." >> seth: wow. >> and marty baum, the producer, said, "then it's joel grey." >> seth: wow. what a -- >> i don't think that's ever happened. >> seth: yeah, that's very rare. >> because the director is king. >> seth: yeah. as a rule, the director should be sure before he says that -- [ laughter ] -- what's going to happen. he should check with the producers ahead of time and be like, "hey, if i do this, you guys got my back, right? because this is going to be very awkward for me when i go back to set." so, you, actually -- so you -- when the film started, you sort of knew that you had the backing of the producers. that must have been nice. >> it was nice, but it was horrible with him. >> seth: oh, the whole time? >> well, challenging. >> seth: and then, when the film comes out and the film succeeds, did you have a moment with him of, "well, we can be friends now because it worked out"?
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[ laughter ] >> seth: that's good. it's good -- sometimes it's good to hold grudges. [ laughter ] one of the other -- >> i was going to tell you about the night that i won. i lived next door to larry hagman. >> seth: larry hagman, the star of "dallas." >> right. >> seth: yes. >> was my great, great pal. and he saw us going off to the academy awards at 3:00 in the afternoon up in the sand. and i came home with my wife totally happy. and in front of my door, there was this enormous trophy, and it was engraved -- "to joel grey, the best [ bleep ] neighbor award." [ laughter ] he was afraid i would come home empty-handed. [ laughter ] is that a friend? >> seth: that's a friend. i hope you immediately handed it back to him and said, "this
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[ laughter and applause ] one of the many fascinating things about your book, you talk about your sexuality. and you just came out last year, and you've had a long career in show business. in 1985, i guess it was, "the normal heart"? >> yes. >> seth: you were in "the normal heart" on broadway. which is about -- you played an a.i.d.s. activist, a gay activist, a gay rights activist. and did you at any point during that -- like, you talk in the book about, you know, the struggle to decide whether or not to come out. like, what was your decision to not then? >> it was a different time. >> seth: mm-hmm. >> the past five, six, seven years have been amazing, and i thought -- i was being interviewed for a "people" magazine piece last year, and it was about my career. and i said, "i think it's --" all my friends and my family know who i am. and i said, "i think maybe if one person is helped or feels
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to me to say who i am." >> seth: well, i'm so glad you did, and it's so wonderful you did. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much for being here. such an honor to have you. [ cheers and applause ] cheers. joel grey, everybody! "master of ceremonies" is available in book stores now.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: my thanks to jennifer lopez, morris chestnut, joel grey, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] patrick carney, and of course, the 8g band. stay tuned for "carson daly." we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] nd applause ] >> carson: hey folks. carson daly here. another great edition of "last call." thanks for staying up. tonight, were at sky room and here's what we got for you. the music is quilt from teragram ballroom.


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